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かわいいどんぐり銀行のイメージキャラクター どんぐり銀行生みの親、松下さん



高松市内にもすぐ森がある 森の文化祭準備で森に入る子供たちにどんぐり通帳を見せてもらう




どんぐり銀行は意外にも県庁の20階にあった 当日どんぐりを貯金に来た向井さん





ドングリランドにはどんぐり銀座と呼ばれる宝庫の道がある コナラやクヌギなど、どんぐりの苗木を育ててくれる森林センターの河野さん

"The Donguri Bank" -- Children are invited to woods.

Do you know "Donguri Bank"? Now, although it was the environmental program which various organizations develop in Japanese various places, the cause was here in Kagawa Prefecture.

Mr. Yoshiki Matsushita who was working to forestry operation division thought whether there is any point of contact which can be automatically concerned in woods with people. And his having happened to have thought was utilizing the acorn which has fallen on woods. Even the child is widely loved from the adult and an acorn is famous as a thing related to woods. This acorn was characterized and it was made the idol in woods.

The Donguri Bank was opened at the Woody festival held in the central park of Takamatsu-city on October 3, 1992.

The acorn gathered in woods or the wood serves as currency, and savings will be made if it brings to a secretariat. There is a passbook, and interest can also be attached and pulled out. Interest rate is 1% a month and drawers are not an acorn but various young trees, and novelty goods.

Probably, as for it being unique in this system, children study a banking system automatically. It is said that now, a registrant exceeds 10,000 people.

While we visited in the Donguri Bank and were hearing about, some people came depositing exactly. It is said that Mr. Mukai is collecting acorns when he takes a walk Mt. Mine which is in the city. "It began together with the grandchild about six years before. Collecting acorns itself -- although it is interesting, thanks to the Donguri Bank, it can be changed to a young tree etc. or contribution can do it at the time of a tree-planting event"

The proposer, Mr. Matsushita, says. "The direction which performs forestry has balanced the woods and the man in the cycle of about 50 years which cuts down the tree which a grandfather planted to a grandchild's generation. However, man cuts down and the place afforested disorderly is among forest. Since the rule which a natural wood has primarily is not applied, man's hand must adjust such woods again. However, those who do not know woods will shrink back from too much natural strength for going into a natural wood suddenly. Therefore, the place where people and woods are sociable is also required like a nature park. Like the Donguri Bank, the program in which people new every year participate will also be useful. Mr. Matsushita considers how of woods and a man to be concerned.

The catchphrase of the bank is "a window to woods." If the wonderfulness in woods is known through an acorn, we will pass through this window and will recommend you to progress to the following step. I consider not only tree-planting activities but mountain's care,lower mowing, wooden infanticide, etc. as to be concerned more with woods is more pleasant. we think that the blessing in woods can surely be felt more in addition to an acorn.


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