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富山市ファミリーパークへやってきました 開会式のスピーカー用電源にエスティマハイブリッドが活躍




さて今回「第10回全国一斉 自然とふれあうネイチャーゲーム大会」富山大会は、富山市ファミリーパークという動物園で開催されました。午前中はあいにくの天気でしたが、参加者の子供たちが集まるころには薄日も射し、フィールドを歩くには絶好の天気となりました。

手はじめに動物あてゲームでなかよくなる カードを持って「がんばるぞー」






ディスカバーウォークに使うカード さぁがんばって探しましょう、感じましょう




虫めがね片手にアリの目線で観察するミクロウォーク 市民いきものメイトでは現在竹炭つくりに奮闘中

The national conference of a nature game

A nature game convention is held by making October 21 into a date of record at the about 150 halls all over the country. We visited one Toyama convention in it.

It is said that there are about 100 kinds of nature games now. It is the feature that you can enjoy rich natural various expression which it has.

"Toyama convention of the 10th nature game convention which touches with nation" was held in the Toyama Family Park. Although it was an unlucky weather during the morning, for also put soft sunbeams when children gather, and walking along the field, it became the best weather.

About 40 children gathered by efforts of the convention staff. The game which first applies what animal he is was carried out. As for all children, relations become good completely in this game, and it progresses to the following game.

Next, it is "Discovery Walk" which is a main game. Discovery Walk rediscovers familiar nature. You walk looking for various nature which exists close, such as nature which is overlooked, and nature which it was made to turn and had played. Since Toyama Family Park is a zoo of rich nature, there is nature to the extent that it passes enough in feeling through the senses. At first, the children who were walking about the staff also come to walk along a front gradually, and make an answer strain oneself to search spontaneously.

Children seemed to have become fine. On the contrary, the staff felt that only a few was rejuvenated. Coming into contact with nature may be man-like acting as man.

One of the staff says. "A nature game is a game which comes into contact with nature using the senses. The place which can enjoy regardless of age and can be enjoyed with nature together exceeding a generation is good.

The Toyama Family Park used as this hall was a very unique place. Although a front gate is an ordinary zoo, if it separates from a pavement way 1 step, you can walk along woods and a rice field. The event to which children can feel nature is also performed using animals and nature inside the garden, and it has become the zoo to feel instead of the zoo to show.

The enterprise of a "Zoo dream 21 citizen plan" is started for the purpose of 2004 which will turn into the 20th anniversary of opening now. This will complete the zoo of the future with a citizen. Now, the civic organization is inaugurated and various activities, such as making a bamboo felling, rice field and wild silkworm breeding, are carried out towards the Satoyama- reproduction inside the garden. Mr. Nakaoki of the director says. "About 170 citizens have participated in organization now. In order to enjoy nature, I would like many people to participate."


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