エコミッション - 2001@ジャパンTeam ACP トップへ


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スタジオでもかなり盛り上がりました 現場から生中継する渡辺靖彰さん

青森では「20年後の自分に贈る夢」をテーマにRAB青森放送のラジオ番組「良平のラジオにおいでよ!」の協力により、タイムカプセルを埋めるイベントをしました。今回は我々のBIG BOSS・渡辺靖彰さん総指揮によるラジオ生中継を媒介に、エコミッションをリアルタイムで青森の皆さんに紹介していただきました。




子供たちと一緒にカプセルを埋めました カプセル。みんな掘り出す日にまた会いましょう




そうた君の夢は、おまわりさんになること 枯葉に隠れて虫の気分になる。なにが見えたかな

みんなの一押し、棒パンはこうやって焼きます 埋設完了し、みんなで記念撮影

An event with a radio station

We performed the event which buries a time capsule here in Aomori by cooperation of the radio program of RAB Aomori Broadcating Corporation on the theme of "The dream presented to yourself". We had people of Aomori introduce Ecomission on real time through the radio live broadcast by Mr. Watanabe of our big boss.

First, "The dream presented to yourself" was proposed to listeners and local children through this radio program at last week. And an Ecomission special time capsule in which various feelings for which it gathered by today were decided to be buried in "Fureai work place".

Mr. Watanabe and Ecomission appeared on the radio program under live broadcast during the morning, and considered introduction of an event as the contents of activity of Ecomission. Next, we moved to Fureai work place, and on-the-spot relay of signs that a time capsule is buried in the ground was carried out with radio.

One of which we became crazy is the production of "stick bread." The pan cloth fermented using the yeast fungus is twisted around the stick of bamboo(the diameter of 3cm, an length 1.5m), and is thoroughly burned by the charcoal fire. Handmade jam (children's mother made) is applied fully, and while it is hot, it eats at the place baked thoroughly. Instruction from children was able to be received and it was able to complete well. We also enjoyed the nature game "the window of the ground." Mr. Sato, the director of the nursery, let us know. Mr. Chiharada participated from our Ecomission. He says. "Fallen leaves are very warm."

We do mind as it stopped seeing not much signs that children are playing freely in such natural environment. Since we live in the city part, we have the reality in which such environment cannot be found. Children may be fitting environment rather than adults in such meaning. It is because it has the capability that new play can be invented if possible play is considered there and there is no nature, if it is in nature. The boy and the girl were able to become together and we were able to see signs that reach a tree, ran about a field, laughed, or it was crying. When the expression which is full of children's feeling was seen, when nature remained in the normal state of being, we still felt here.


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