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音もなく近づけるので、コハクチョウも驚かない 白鳥おじさんこと、山内昇さん



これからの浜頓別町のランドマーク 丁寧に説明してくださった鈴木さん(右)






はまとんべつ「自然エネルギー」を考える会会長・鈴木芳孝さんに話をうかがってみました。「もともと浜頓別あたりは昔から農家が風力を利用していたんですよ。風車の回転を利用してオイルを温め、暖房に使うとか。それに帆かけスキーを楽しんだり、風と仲よくすることを生活にうまく取り入れていました。だから風力発電にもそれこそ自然に取り込みましたね。」とおっしゃっていました。また、はまとんべつ「自然エネルギー」を考える会 渡部恒久さんは「浜頓別には約2,000世帯ありますが、これ1基で約900世帯分の電力をまかなえるんですよ。」と自信を持ってお話しいただきました。風車の支柱には、出資者らの名前が貼られていました。女性のほうが関心が高いのでしょうか、とくに女性の名前が多く見受けられました。


支柱に記された出資者の名前 誇らしく入ったグリーンファンドの文字





夕日に映える風車とエスティマハイブリッド 最北端、宗谷岬到着です

取材陣と一緒に記念撮影 寒い中みなさんおつかれさまでした

The symbol of citizens - turning windmills

About 20,000 swans flies to Kutcharo lake every year. The swans which also already exceed 2,300 birds this year are coming flying. We have gone to meet the bird. Kutcharo is the lake of the registration swamp specification (1989) of the Ramsar Convention which becomes the 3rd in Japan. This lake is truly the paradise of birds.

The "swan uncle", Mr. Noboru Yamauchi, scatters food from his track, and swans eat slowly early morning, without fighting. This swan lives near the Arctic Circle from June to September, and flies to Japan around October. If some swans which go up to the shore and pick food eat, they will gaze at him for a while.

Another shuttlecock newly alighted on Hamatonbetsu-town with such a lake this year. It is a wind power institution. Mr. Yamauchi says. "This institution gets energy from nature and does not soil nature, either. I am large support."

There is about 5,000 population of this town where is located in the north of Hokkaido. This town celebrates the 50th anniversary of town organization enforcement by the end of this year. Since gold dust was found in this town a long time ago, it became unprecedented gold rush. The gold dust festival is held in this town every year. It is said that a world gold dust convention will be held next year.

Four wind power institutions were located along the seashore. It is one set of the wind power which is in the east side most that our Ecomission observed this time. This is the institution built by civic investment.

In Sweden, since the company which makes electric power, and the company which transmits electricity became another, a user can choose and use the electricity made from natural energy, and the electricity made by atomic power.

For the first time, the windmill by civic investment was built and operation was begun from September 15, this year in Japan. This institution collected the equity participant and the contribution by the appeal of the Hokkaido green fund(NPO), and built this institution for the fund for which it gathered. This windmill is the product made from Bonus of Denmark. The electric power of maximum abbreviation 1,000kw is produced.

Mr. Suzuki, the chairman of the meeting which considers "Natural Energy", says. "With this background, people of a farmhouse used wind force from ancient times. They had taken in the wind well to the life. Therefore, was just they taken in automatically also to wind power." Mr. Watanabe, the director of the meeting, says. "There is about 2,000 households of this town. One set of this windmill can supply the electric power for about 900 households in Hamatonbetsu." Names, such as an equity participant, were appended to the support of the windmill. Especially, the female name was able to see mostly.

The swans which rests shuttlecocks in Kutcharo lake and the windmill greatly flapped with --- Two shuttlecocks are always wrapped in the ardent love of citizens.


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