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プリウスの森にやってきました プリウス森木会の森の目印




植栽された木はシカから守るため、ネットをはる 森林保全課の三尋木さんに森を説明していただきました

この「プリウス森木会の森」をはじめたのは、神奈川トヨタ自動車さんです。そこでどのような活動をされているのか、伺いに行きました。販売促進室 小此木(おこのぎ)室長さんは「まず仕組みですが、県との取り決めで、プリウスの販売台数に合わせて寄付をします。そしてプリウスオーナーさんや当社社員で、この森の植栽、間伐などの体験作業をしています。また森にある風倒木を使ってベンチを作ったり、ツルや松ボックリを拾ってクリスマスリースづくりをして、楽しみながら活動しています。」といいます。



ユーザーが作った草履をいただく 神奈川トヨタmyxにて上野社長と記念写真

The Woods of Prius

We heard that "The Woods of Prius" was in Kanagawa Prefecture, and went to inspect as Ecomission. The beginning of Ecomission stems from Captain Yokota's having begun to consider the thing of environmental preservation. And Prius was produced in 1997 at the time of holding of the Kyoto meeting (COP3). Ecomission which travels in the spot of the environmental preservation in the world became actual.

North American Continent crossing in 1999, eight nations in Europe in 2000, and the Sahara Desert vertical section in 2001 --- we have met various people. Prius has the meaning a "forerunner." While people who will be doing various activities are sensitive to environment, they are also 'Prius-like people.'

"The Woods of the Prius Shin-boku-Kai" is near Yabitsu peak, Hadano-city, Kanagawa . Kanagawa Prefecture considers a forest as "a green dam", reproduces ruined woods by prudent people's hand, and is advancing reservation of the source of a stream stabilized more. A forest-protecting-water-source partner system is unique. In the case of a company and an organization, forest activity which used the specific forest as the core by contributing a certain fixed amount can be performed. In this Ecomission, while the self-governing body, the individual, and the civic organization cooperated, the example which promotes environmental preservation was able to be seen well. However, the example to which a company cooperates with a self-governing body in the field of environmental preservation has first this time. In the case of the West, it is common sense that a company does philanthropy activity for local. However, even if there is same example in the case of Japan, the present condition is that it seldom visible to a table.

Kanagawa Toyota Motor began "The Woods of the Prius Shin-boku-Kai." Sales promotion section head of the company Mr. Okonogi says. "By the agreement with Kanagawa Prefecture, we contribute according to the selling number of Prius. The owner of Prius and the employee of our company are doing the experience work of planting in these woods, thinning, etc.

The self-governing body and the company connected woods and the citizen. Kanagawa Toyota which took the initiative rather than any company, and began this activity has farseeing intelligence. A drink maker and railroad company came to participate behind the company. "The production of a forest of the Kanagawa head" is going smoothly. President Ueno of the company says. "The owner who chooses Prius has very high consciousness to environment."

It is very wonderful to protect the source of the water currently used by oneself. However, there is a limit only as a volunteer. For example, a prefecture and a company take down the thinned-out tree from woods to a city area, and it will become permanent activity if the degree of material satisfactory that the person who participated in thinning can use them freely is satisfied.


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